
chaosWyrM is a one man project focusing on the blend of industrial, dark ambient, and psychedelic music styles. sometimes ethereal and trippy, sometimes hard and dirty, but always with a concentration on providing the listener with a journey to explore.

if you like my music, please consider liking my facebook page. just click the little box at the bottom of the page in the contact section.

some images of me on this site are from the film “days gone by” directed by john zhao.




This area is for major announcements and as such isnt updated frequently. For up to the minute news and such, please check my facebook, a link to which is in the contact section.

updated 3-23-2020

Well….it sure has been a while eh? In case you’re from the future, the world is in the middle of a deadly global pandemic. People everywhere are stuck staying home, schools and buisnesses are closed indefinitely, and food and medical supplies are running low.


so here…i made a thing:


updated 10-25-2018

It is my pleasure to announce that chaosWyrM appears on the soon to be released compilation from Ambient Online. This release is the first of the new themed compilation format, for which the theme was “the Moon”. There are to close 60 brand new never before heard ambient tracks on this compilation. Pre-orders are currently open, you get access to 6 tracks right now…and the whole thing will be available on oct. 30th.

updated 05-19-2017

Just a quick update to announce that I am currently working on a collaborative project with the talented PK Variance. For anyone unaware…PKV worked with me on eppur si muove doing the mixing and mastering as well as a bunch of other stuff. Im very excited to be working with him again on this upcoming project. I dont want to spill too many beans about it now…so stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks.

Please do check out the PKV youtube channel for some incredible sonic manipulations: PK Variance youtube channel

updated 02-06-2017

Its been quite some time since Ive updated this site. As some of you may know, the last year was a bit difficult for me. I had a serious medical situation that is for now resolved. However, the treatments and recovery were both difficult and time consuming. As a result I wasn’t able to work on any music for a while.

Im pleased to announce, that while I may never be 100%, I do feel at least 95% and have begun work on new material. So please do check back often, and thank you for your understanding.


Available Now!!!
Turning towards forbidding atmospheres and haunting soundscapes, chaosWyrM brings you his second full length album:
eppur si muove


What strange tales will be told…and what dark places shall you visit?

updated 10-26-2015
Im happy to announce that the new album eppur si muove will be releasing on Nov. 19th.
This one will be released like the last one, as a “pay what you want” download. Should you decide that what you want to pay is zero…that will be an option. I am considering making a very limited run of cds, though I havent decided for sure yet. If anyone out there is interested in a physical cd…drop me a line and let me know. If enough people show interest…Ill get them made. You can contact me through the contact form at the bottom of this page, or on facebook.
Bye for now.

updated 8-17-2015
It is my pleasure to announce that the new album will be released on CRL Studios. I was honored to be included on CRL Studios The Fourth Wavelength (Found) compilation and am very much looking forward to working with them again.
As of right now, we’re looking at a mid November release date. Ill keep posting updates here as they become available.


updated 6-28-2015
so i spent the past few days redoing the website. goodbye old looking mid 90’s website…hello new slick looking one.
well its still crappy…but it does look nicer.

updated 2-25-2015
Lol…so I don’t know how I forgot to mention this before…but chaosWyrM is featured on the Meat Circus Records compilation: Feast Vol. 1.
updated 7-14-2014
I am proud to announce that chaosWyrM will be featured on the upcoming CRL studios compilation : CRL Studios Presents: The Fourth Wavelength (Found), due to be released 8-15-14. I will add more information here as it becomes available.
update: The Fourth Wavelength (Found) is located here: The Fourth Wavelength (Found)
updated 1-17-14
so…whats new?
well this website is new…and the official release of the order of things is new (kind of)…why dont you go and download it?



here you can preview entire albums. please keep in mind that the streaming audio quality is below what you will get when you download.  if you would like to download, just click the “download” button on the player. you will be asked to enter an amount you would like to pay. you may enter zero and begin a free download of the entire album. if you would like to kick in a few bucks, that would be much appreciated.






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